Saturday, July 30, 2005
Saturday, July 23, 2005
Festival Time

Originally uploaded by John Hasyn Photography.
Last year, I spent the whole summer photographing summer festivals around Ontario. Click on the photo above to see the full portfolio.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
A Night At Moorelands Camp

Originally uploaded by John Hasyn Photography.
Spent the night at Moorelands Camp on Lake Kawagama (see photo above), just south of Huntsville. The camp is run by Moorelands Community Services and offers inner-city, underpriveldged kids a chance to experience camp. My task was to take a group picture of 120 kids to say thanks to the camp's donors. It was great fun. I've been volunteering at a work weekend at the camp for a few years, but have never been there when the kids are there (our work weekend is always on a weekend before the kids arrive). Spent the evening watching a movie with the kids and in the morning managed to marshall all the kids on the dock to take the picture. Set up and picture took a total of 30 minutes. Impossible to get everyone looking at the camera at the same time.
Friday, July 08, 2005
In The Back Seat of a Delhi Taxi

Originally uploaded by John Hasyn Photography.
This picture is from my "In My Back Seat of a Delhi Taxi" series. To see the full series, just click on the image and go to the appropriately named set in Flickr.