Monday, January 30, 2006

Does Andy Scott sound like an Aboriginal Name?

While in Saskatoon last week, I picked up a book by Harold Lerat
called "Treaty Promises: Indian Reality." It reminded me how ignorant
I am about the Indian situation and its history here in Canada. I
come from England where the only education I received on Indian
Affairs was from John Wayne movies. This is surprising since the
English were largely responsible for stealing other people's land
around the world in the 19th century. You would have thought we would
have learnt something from the mistakes they made. Anyway, my visit
to Saskatoon, with its large aboriginal community, has prompted me
to start reading and researching a lot more about the current
situation in Canada. For some time I've had a desire to produce a
photo essay on youth culture among the Inuit and will probably still
do this. But, I think it would be interesting to broaden this project
to include aboriginal communities as a whole. The suicide rate among
aboriginal youths is about 10x the national average. Why do things
remain so bad for these communities in this day and age? Why is the
Minister of Indian & Northern Affairs a man named Andy Scott? Could
we not have that department represented by an aboriginal? These are
some of the questions I'd like to explore over the next few months.
I'll keep you posted.


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